Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Healthy Heart

Without it, everything else suffers.
I don't feel like I need to go into what a healthy diet contains.  If you're vegan, you're probably doing your research and you already know that an ample amount of vegetables, fruits, nuts/seeds, and legumes are weighted heavily on the grocery list. If you're not vegan, there are many online resources.
But something I discovered early on was that there are a couple of items that will have an immediate, positive effect on the cardiovascular system.  Who doesn't need that?
I said I would discuss the two spices that will immediately work to lower your overall cholesterol level.
So here they are:
Cayenne and Cinnamon

You likely have these spices in your cabinet right now.  Use them.  Use them in ample amounts.

When I say ample amounts, I mean a teaspoon or more - several times a day if you can.
These spices do wonders for your heart by opening the vascular system and providing ample blood flow.  They also scavenge free radicals from the blood stream and contain many essential minerals.  The benefits are outstanding.  The recommended fashion for optimal ingestion is to add a teaspoon of one or the other to a glass of warm water.  I have yet to try doing this with cinnamon, but I do this with Cayenne on a daily basis.  It is one of the reasons that my cholesterol level is quite good and at one time it lowered my Blood pressure below the healthy average.  You can feel its invigorating effects as you're drinking it.
Note, though, that using a teaspoon on the first glass is not recommended.  Try to work your way up to that amount per dose.  The burning is very present, but it will also work to rebuild the lining of the stomach if there is any damage.(Also prepare for some uncomfortable bowel movements for the first few days.)  I would recommend working up to an amount that is comfortable for you.  I think you will notice that you will likely add more and more with each dosage, however, be warned that Cinnamon has been known to increase the heart rate.  Listen to your body.

I've read that Cayenne can stop  heart attack on the spot.  Though I've never seen or experienced this, it wouldn't surprise me.  See the below links for ample amounts of info on these two Miracle spices:




Vegan Mayo (Day 129)

I don't really have much to say in this post other than to point out that I brought up Vegenaise many posts back.  It's one of my favorite things as a condiment, for dressings, or making a creamy pasta.
(Note: I will post the cholesterol reducing goodness I mentioned recently ASAP)

It just so happens that America's Ultraman, Rich Roll, agrees.
In this 10 minute tour of his natural foods shopping trip, he shows us what foods he prefers for a healthy training diet and why.  If it's good enough for Rich Roll, it's good enough for me.
His love for Vegenaise at 6:30 -

Thanks Rich.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Overall Health: Initial Screening

Today I went to a free health screening offered by my employer.  I was very interested to find out what my numbers are.  I've not had a complete screening in the past, though I have had one cholesterol level check about 8 years ago. The results:  "Normal."

That doesn't really tell me much.  In fact, I was a bit upset that I didn't get the numbers after waiting two weeks for the results.  I suppose I could have asked for the paperwork, but what does it matter now?  I took this opportunity to get a few numbers so that I could compare sometime in the future.

So this is Day 127 since becoming Vegan.  I lost about 10-15 pounds in the first couple of months, but the weight loss tapered as I began working out.  Let's take a look at my numbers for today:

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 167 pounds
Waist (at navel): 34.5"
Body Mass Index: 23  (Normal is 18.5 - 24.9)

Those numbers look good.  And to add to that, I am in the 25 percentile for my height and age.

Blood Pressure: 142/80
Total Cholesterol: 156
HDL Cholesterol: 54
Glucose: 86

The Blood pressure is a bit high(Healthy is 120/80 and under). 142 for the Systolic number is straight up High Blood pressure STAGE 1.  I have suffered, and sometimes still suffer from anxiety, but it is near gone.  I will have to chalk these high numbers up to a stressful life change in the last few months and the fact that I practically ran to the appointment.  I had my numbers checked at my doctor about 6 months ago and they were at normal range.  And if you read my last post, you know that I've eliminated the addition of Salt to my meals.  Something is amiss here.  I plan to by my own blood pressure monitor and keep track at home.

Total Cholesterol is in a VERY good range, though I would like it to be lower.  Unfortunately, with a simple, free screening such as this one, acquiring my LDL cholesterol was not possible.  The HDL level at 54 is very good though if I ate more fruits and vegetables rather than beans and wheat pasta, it would likely be much higher. More importantly, though, is the Total to HDL cholesterol ratio - Which is a fantastic 2.9!!!  This means that the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis is very low and it points to a very low probability of a heart attack.  Good range is considered around 3-4.  Glucose appears normal.

However, the more research you do on Veganism and overall health based on studies throughout the globe, the more you will find that the upper 100's range considered normal for total Cholesterol in America is a truth believed only by some.  As I've learned, getting the overall Cholesterol lower than 120 and the HDL above 60 is IDEAL and damn near makes a heart attack and heart disease not only impossible - but levels like that can actually REVERSE heart disease.

I'll say again, watch Forks Over Knives to get you started down the right path.  It took me many years to get here, but that documentary put the fork in eating animals for me.  Everything changed after that.  In fact, I have a couple of coworkers following suit(and even teaching me things).

In my next post I will reveal 2 simple things that one can do to drastically reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure in just 2 months.  It's not a huge secret, but these 2 things are easy to use and they WILL WORK.
Here's to the Heart.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Protein (DAY 126)

"I" before "E" except after "C."
Not really.  Except, except, except...the English language. ("Protein" is actually German from French)

This is day 126 since I've become vegan.  Except, I still find myself discovering how it should be done.
Another exception: I've been through a major life change that I won't go into here, but It has a massive effect on my choices or dietary habits/abilities.  I've eaten more beans in the last few weeks than many people have had in 10 years.  In addition to that, I have totally eliminated salt from the recipes that I make.
I will say that it was a wise decision.  I feel a lot better.

But I've taken on a new addiction when it comes to flavor.
Sriracha Sauce.  I LOVE IT.

I put it on almost everything.  And if the flavor isn't right for my "experimental" meals, I add it.  And maybe even a LOT of it.

The only downfall I see here is the amount of sugar, and perhaps the origin of the ingredients.  I doubt that anything is organic, otherwise it would be stated as such.  But it contains no oil as far as I can tell.
The chili spice is healthy and only supplements the amount of cayenne pepper I intake. (which I will elaborate in another post.)

I'll admit that the amount of beans I was eating mixed with ample amounts of Sriracha sauce provided for a very gassy weekend.  It wasn't very pleasant, but at least I know the reason for it.
I'd like to say it was my CD release but, alas, it was another kind.  And no one showed up(good thing).

I have, however, been working out regularly and recently began getting up so early it's ridiculous.
I jog as long as I can and then walk the rest of the way aiming for at least 30 min.  Then I  shower and go to work early enough to get 1-2 hours of studying in before 8am.

But back to the working out.

I want to build muscle.  I'm doing that.  But I don't want to be big.
I've been watching my protein intake and for the most part, it's on par with my weight.
At around 165lbs, I need around 50-60 grams of protein per day.
But that just to maintain health.  If I am working out, I need more.
This is where Soy protein Isolate comes in.

Luckily, a vegan can acquire this at your local health food store.  And luckily for me, they have it in bulk, in bags, that I can afford on a bi-weekly basis.  I just discovered this, so although I feel very successful with each workout, it doesn't seem to amount to much if I'm not taking creatine or doing something else to retain water(which would make one look bigger).  I simply need more protein.  I've also been taking Spirulina to supplement the amino acids that one needs and it has many other great benefits that I should go into in the future.

I will update as time moves forward.  Protien for....... NO,  Protein for dinner tonight.