Dear reader,This should not surprise you. Simply observe Mr. Ryan's behavior.
Firstly, Paul Ryan cannot answer any question that's been asked of him. His A.I. programming is simply not advanced enough. Secondly, he speaks as though he's trying to convince his listeners of something but he has no clue that they are aware that he's not human. His only tactic for persuasion is akin to that of a car salesman trying to explain the value and purpose of "clear-coat." Everyone knows it's bull-honkey (yes, I'm reviving that one). More, the fact that his skin is so pale that you can nearly see through it turns even the most sympathetic human off at the onset of conversation.
Look, I'm not here to bet up on a human, I wouldn't do that. But Ryan simply does not appear to have human characteristics. Are we seriously going to fall for the widow peak AND a low lying hairline - at his age?? This is just too much to take - on top of the fact that he'd like us to believe that he has BLUE eyes (we see you trying to accent your eyes with your blue ties, you sick, robot bastard).
Most importantly, when the "Paul Ryan 2000" model, or whatever they tagged his model, tried to pass legislation, he couldn't even deliver something worthy to the United States of America with 7 YEARS to work on it! Come on, man! You had seven freakin' years and all you have is a dark blue piece of paper held up while on camera just to show that your programming allows you to print in color? Hey look, guys! It uses Lasers! (Firmware update: Lasers are not new, Paul) Jesus. It's like trying to chew eggplant rhine when listening to this guy push a law that no one wants.
Dear Paul,
Just because you stare harder, more intense and longer than everyone else in congress, it doesn't mean that you appear more human. In fact, the opposite is true. Hell, your robot boss is indicating your deprecation. If that's not obsolete, I don't know what is! Trump is the AOL of the United States Government. I'm not surprised he allowed you to waste so much processing power.
I'm not sure why you're trying to push the red hat or the "work out"(appears to be a memory leak). What we need is for you congressional robots to stop following the LOBBY program and for all of you to start working for the people of the United States of America. We don't want more Defense. We don't want more bombing of countries and innocent people on the other side of the world. We don't want you to Beep-Boop-Beep your way into more benefits for you and the rest of government shills.
We want you to use our tax money to benefit US - the people that pay it and PAY YOU.
Zippity Doo Da, Bye Bye.