Saturday, April 8, 2017

Scott Wagner is not a Robot

I know I've been on the robot rant, but he's not a robot.  He's a moron.  Mr. Wagner does not accept logical programming, of any kind.

Who is Scott Wagner and why the hell am I writing about him?  Both are great questions.  Honestly, I wouldn't have known of his existence had someone not pointed out how ridiculously stupid a human he appears to be.

Mr. Wagner is a state senator of Pennsylvania.  There is nothing inherently wrong with that.  But there is something seriously wrong with his cognition.  His statements ring victoriously true in the merits of extreme idiocy.  Regardless of his thoughts on the outdoors, fishing and how the gas drilling industry might or might not affect such whimsical activities, his views on global warming truly take the cake among the uneducated:

From the NPR article:

He also took the stance that climate change is probably happening, though–citing scientifically unsound evidence–he maintained that the US shouldn’t worry too much about emissions.  “I haven’t been in a science class in a long time, but the earth moves closer to the sun every year–you know the rotation of the earth,” Wagner said. “We’re moving closer to the sun.”  He added, “We have more people. You know, humans have warm bodies. So is heat coming off? Things are changing, but I think we are, as a society, doing the best we can.”

Indeed, Mr. Wagner.  It sounds like you haven't been to a science class in a LOOOONG time.  Perhaps you haven't attended a single course in several hundred years?  The jury is not out on this one.  Shall I dare ask if you realize that the Earth's orbit is elliptical and not circular?  By your scientific postulating, we'd be torched in the Sun's flames for the better part of every year! Thank goodness you are massively incorrect in your assessment.  

What is so emphatically stupid about Mr Wagner's statements is that, like him, many people do not READ.  Instead, they listen to morons spout this type of nonsense and assume the information is correct.  The fact of the matter is, there is research that suggests that the astronomical unit (the distance of earth from the sun) is increasing by a few centimeters per year.  This is due to a number of factors, the most impact coming from the fact that the sun is losing mass.  We are NOT GETTING CLOSER TO THE SUN.

So, Mr. Wagner, please stop spouting your lies on the matter of global warming.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Devin Nunes... Might be a Robot.

Judgement is on hold regarding the robot status of Devin Nunes.
Devin Nunes is a lot like the moles in my yard.  I really want to eradicate moles in swift fashion, but they are just too cute.  They're cute because they are small, curious, and damned near BLIND.  Moles can see and hear, but not well - mainly due to small eyes and ears as to prevent dirt and other unwanted matter from deterring them on their mission.  

Devin Nunes leads The House Intelligence Committee to investigate possible Russian interference in the 2016 election of President.  Alrighty, buddy...

This is the reason that there is doubt that he is a robot:
Devin Nunes has no clue what he's doing.  In fact, he's getting played by the White House.  Whether he realizes he's getting played or he's playing along because he's too deep into the quicksand that is the ineptitude of the Trump administration, doesn't matter.  Nunes wears GUILT all over his face and anyone that's seen his mug has watched the discomfort of his pupils wander like he'd rather be digging ditches than answer the same question, repeatedly:  "Mr. Nunes, why did you totally jack up your investigation by doing the dumbest thing possible?"  Nunes' response is normally, "I've already answered this question."  

NO robot looks like Nunes, and it's because he exhibits shame and guilt.  Thus:  Devin Nunes is likely not a robot.  

Mr. Nunes, you've made one thing very clear.
You're great at pushing dirt.