Monday, August 13, 2012

Taco Bell - Vegan?

I'm not going to tout Taco Bell as a health haven.  That's loco.

But, indeed, a vegan can eat at Taco Bell - and Lord knows, you'll likely end up there at some point with your friends or at that moment when you've got only 3 dollars and little time.

Other than Subway, Taco Bell is the one fast food place that I might visit just to make things easy and cheap.  Most every time, my order consists of only a couple of bean burritos -Fresco style.  But a vegan can order more.  A whole lot more if you like.  But it's no haven for vegan eating either.  It depends on how much labor and confusion you really want your soon-to-be, frustrated cashier to deal with.

Vegan Eating Out makes it a bit more simple with their list.  If your cashier doesn't mind taking the time, then you might venture beyond a couple of burritos.

I would say "good luck."
But I will admit, without shame, that Taco Bell has really increased their level of service over the last 3-4 years.  I'm not sure if this was due to the "beef authenticity" scare that was in the news, or if it was simply something they decided to do in order to change their customer service approach.  But I have yet to visit a Taco Bell in the last 3 years that wasn't willing to cater to my every detailed wish.  That is an odd thing for me to admit. It's fast food.  But they continue to make it exactly as I desire.  And if it isn't the way I ask, they happily remake it until it's correct.

Good work Taco Bell, you loco personas.

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