Monday, April 23, 2012

Protein (DAY 126)

"I" before "E" except after "C."
Not really.  Except, except, except...the English language. ("Protein" is actually German from French)

This is day 126 since I've become vegan.  Except, I still find myself discovering how it should be done.
Another exception: I've been through a major life change that I won't go into here, but It has a massive effect on my choices or dietary habits/abilities.  I've eaten more beans in the last few weeks than many people have had in 10 years.  In addition to that, I have totally eliminated salt from the recipes that I make.
I will say that it was a wise decision.  I feel a lot better.

But I've taken on a new addiction when it comes to flavor.
Sriracha Sauce.  I LOVE IT.

I put it on almost everything.  And if the flavor isn't right for my "experimental" meals, I add it.  And maybe even a LOT of it.

The only downfall I see here is the amount of sugar, and perhaps the origin of the ingredients.  I doubt that anything is organic, otherwise it would be stated as such.  But it contains no oil as far as I can tell.
The chili spice is healthy and only supplements the amount of cayenne pepper I intake. (which I will elaborate in another post.)

I'll admit that the amount of beans I was eating mixed with ample amounts of Sriracha sauce provided for a very gassy weekend.  It wasn't very pleasant, but at least I know the reason for it.
I'd like to say it was my CD release but, alas, it was another kind.  And no one showed up(good thing).

I have, however, been working out regularly and recently began getting up so early it's ridiculous.
I jog as long as I can and then walk the rest of the way aiming for at least 30 min.  Then I  shower and go to work early enough to get 1-2 hours of studying in before 8am.

But back to the working out.

I want to build muscle.  I'm doing that.  But I don't want to be big.
I've been watching my protein intake and for the most part, it's on par with my weight.
At around 165lbs, I need around 50-60 grams of protein per day.
But that just to maintain health.  If I am working out, I need more.
This is where Soy protein Isolate comes in.

Luckily, a vegan can acquire this at your local health food store.  And luckily for me, they have it in bulk, in bags, that I can afford on a bi-weekly basis.  I just discovered this, so although I feel very successful with each workout, it doesn't seem to amount to much if I'm not taking creatine or doing something else to retain water(which would make one look bigger).  I simply need more protein.  I've also been taking Spirulina to supplement the amino acids that one needs and it has many other great benefits that I should go into in the future.

I will update as time moves forward.  Protien for....... NO,  Protein for dinner tonight.

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