Monday, January 9, 2012

Injury and Recovery (Day21)

Saturday afternoon I was moving some furniture back into the living room after having put the Christmas tree away.  During the struggle to get a large chair through a bedroom doorway, I rolled my ankle and let out yelp.  I was thoroughly pissed that this happened, but I walked it off. 

In my mid-thirties, hurting myself has became a common event.  In fact, I've dealt with Bursitis in my hip for the last year.  The condition gets inflamed enough sometimes to prevent me from walking.  Lately it has been under control, however, when I hurt my ankle over the weekend, I thought for sure I was about to deal with another problem that may haunt me for a long time.

I woke up early Sunday morning around 2 or 3AM to my throbbing ankle.  It was aching badly.  I had no Ibuprofen so I took Tylenol and went back to bed.  Again, 4 hours later, I woke to horrible pain and took more medicine.  When I finally got out of bed I could barely walk.  Throughout the day, it became looser and finally workable.  I was able to get through the day without a lot of pain but I assumed that Monday morning would be more of the same.

I was pleasantly surprised.  I woke up and my ankle felt ok.  I had even put Ibuprofen at my bed-side table in case I woke in the night from pain.  2 hours into the day and it still feels ok.  I have medication on hand in case my expectations are too high.  But I wonder...

Does it feel better due to luck or does it feel better due to my new vegan diet?  I couldn't say for sure, but inflammation is clearly down today compared to yesterday and this is simply something I am not used to.  And on that note I'd like to point out that I've read about some MMA athletes that are strictly vegan (or vegetarian) and swear that their workouts and recovery time have drastically improved since making the dietary change.
Here is a site that discusses a few fighters and their reasons/experience with veganism or vegetarianism.

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